Monday 29 May 2023

Benefits of BigCommerce Development for Online Stores

 With the rise of e-commerce, online stores are becoming increasingly popular for businesses to sell their products and services. However, building an online store from scratch can take time and effort, especially for small businesses with limited resources. This is where BigCommerce comes in as a powerful e-commerce platform that can help businesses create an online store quickly and easily. This article will discuss the benefits of BigCommerce development for online stores.

What is BigCommerce Development?

BigCommerce is an e-commerce platform enabling businesses to create and manage online stores. The platform offers a range of features and functionalities that make it easy for businesses to set up an online store, manage products and inventory, and process orders and payments. BigCommerce is a cloud-based platform, meaning businesses can access their online stores from anywhere, anytime, using any device with an internet connection.

What are BigCommerce online stores?

BigCommerce online stores are highly customizable, meaning businesses can create a unique store that reflects their brand identity and values. The platform offers a range of themes and templates that businesses can use to create their online store or create a custom design using the platform’s built-in design tools. BigCommerce also offers a range of add-ons and integrations that businesses can use to enhance their online store’s functionality and user experience.

Why BigCommerce Development Services?

BigCommerce development services are provided by various web development companies specialising in building and maintaining online stores using the BigCommerce platform. These companies offer various services, including design and development, customization, integration, migration, and support. They can help businesses create a unique online store that meets their specific needs and requirements, and they can provide ongoing support to ensure that the online store runs smoothly and effectively.

Benefits of BigCommerce Development for Online Stores

  1. Easy to use: The platform comes with a user-friendly interface and a range of customization options that make it easy for businesses to set up and manage their online stores. This is especially important for small businesses and startups that may not have the resources to hire a dedicated IT team or web developer. With BigCommerce, businesses can easily add products, manage inventory, process payments, and handle shipping and taxes without needing extensive technical expertise.
  2. Scalability: The platform is designed to accommodate businesses of all sizes, from small startups to large enterprises, and can handle high volumes of traffic and transactions without compromising on performance. This is important for businesses that are looking to grow and expand their online presence. As businesses grow and attract more customers, they need a platform that can scale with their needs and handle increased traffic and sales. With BigCommerce, businesses can easily add new products, expand their online store, and handle high volumes of traffic and transactions without worrying about performance or downtime.
  3. Security: BigCommerce is a secure platform that uses advanced security measures to protect customer data and prevent fraud. It is PCI-compliant and uses SSL encryption to ensure all transactions are secure.
  4. Mobile responsive: BigCommerce is mobile-responsive, which means that online stores built on this platform can be accessed from any device, including smartphones and tablets. This is essential in today’s mobile-first world, where more and more customers are shopping online using their mobile devices.
  5. Customization: BigCommerce offers various customization options, including themes, plugins, and APIs. This allows businesses to tailor their online store to their specific needs and create a unique and engaging shopping experience for their customers.
  6. SEO-friendly: BigCommerce is SEO-friendly, which is designed to help businesses optimise their online stores for search engines. This can help businesses attract more traffic to their site and increase their visibility online.


Sterling Technolabs, a leading eCommerce development company, offers a range of benefits for businesses looking to build and manage their online stores using BigCommerce. Sterling Technolabs has extensive experience in developing customised online stores tailored to each business’s unique needs. By leveraging the benefits of BigCommerce, Sterling Technolabs can help businesses create a seamless and engaging shopping experience for their customers, optimise their online store for search engines, and handle high volumes of traffic and transactions without compromising performance. Overall, Sterling Technolabs is an excellent partner for businesses looking to take their online store to the next level with BigCommerce development.

Friday 19 May 2023

Which is a better platform Shopify or WooCommerce?

 Choosing the right platform can make all the difference when building an online store. Two of the most popular platforms are Shopify and WooCommerce. Both are powerful tools for building an e-commerce site but have different strengths and weaknesses. In this article, we will compare the two platforms to help you determine which suits your needs better.

Shopify Development

Shopify is an all-in-one e-commerce platform that allows you to build and manage your online store. It’s a hosted solution, which means that Shopify takes care of all the technical aspects of running your store, including hosting, security, and software updates. This makes it an ideal option for those who don’t have a lot of technical knowledge or want to focus on running their business instead of managing their website.

Shopify also has various features that make it easy to manage your store. You can add products, create discounts and promotions, track orders, and manage your inventory from one dashboard. It also offers a range of payment gateways, including its payment system, Shopify Payments, a seamless and easy-to-use payment solution for Shopify users.

Shopify also offers a range of design templates, which can be customised to suit your brand. The templates are mobile-responsive, meaning your site will look great on any device. Shopify also offers a range of third-party apps and plugins which can be used to extend the functionality of your store.

WooCommerce Development

WooCommerce is an open-source e-commerce platform that runs on WordPress. This means you’ll need to install WordPress on your web hosting and then install WooCommerce as a plugin. While this requires more technical knowledge than Shopify, it also gives you more control over your site and allows you to customise it to your needs.

WooCommerce offers a range of features, including the ability to add products, create discounts and promotions, track orders, and manage your inventory. It also offers a range of payment gateways, including PayPal and Stripe. One of the main advantages of WooCommerce is its flexibility. Since it runs on WordPress, you have access to a vast library of themes and plugins that can be used to customise your store.

One of the drawbacks of WooCommerce is that it requires more technical knowledge than Shopify. You’ll need some experience with WordPress and web development to get the most out of WooCommerce. This can be a disadvantage for those who don’t have the time or resources to learn these skills.

Shopify vs. WooCommerce

Now that we’ve looked at the features of both platforms let’s compare them side by side.

Ease of Use: Shopify is the clear winner regarding ease of use. It’s an all-in-one platform that handles all the technical aspects of running your store. WooCommerce, on the other hand, requires more technical knowledge and can be more challenging to set up.

Flexibility: WooCommerce is the clear winner when it comes to flexibility. Since it runs on WordPress, you have access to a vast library of themes and plugins that can be used to customise your store. On the other hand, Shopify is more limited in terms of customization.

Cost: The cost of using Shopify depends on the plan you choose. The basic plan costs $29 monthly, while the advanced plan costs $299. WooCommerce, on the other hand, is free to use, but you’ll need to pay for web hosting, a domain name, and any premium themes or plugins you want to use.

Security: Shopify handles all the technical aspects of running your store, including security. WooCommerce, on the other hand, requires more technical knowledge to secure your site correctly.

Scalability: Both platforms are scalable, but Shopify is better suited for larger stores with high traffic volumes. This is because Shopify handles all the technical aspects of running your store, including hosting, security, and software updates.

Which Platform is Right for You?

Choosing between Shopify development and WooCommerce development depends on your specific needs and preferences. If you’re looking for an all-in-one platform that’s easy to use and requires little technical knowledge, Shopify is the way to go. However, if you’re looking for a more customizable solution that gives you more control over your site, WooCommerce is the better choice.

If you’re unsure which platform is right for you, consulting with a professional development team, like Sterling Technolabs, who has experience with both platforms, is a good idea. They can help you assess your needs and choose the best platform for your business.


Sterling Technolabs is a versatile and experienced web development company that offers a range of services to its clients, including both Shopify Development and Woocommerce Development. With a team of skilled developers and designers, Sterling Technolabs is well-equipped to handle projects of any size and complexity and can provide customised solutions that meet each client’s unique needs and requirements. Whether you are looking to build an online store on Shopify or Woocommerce or need assistance with other web development projects, Sterling Technolabs is a trusted partner that can help you achieve your goals with efficiency and expertise.

Wednesday 17 May 2023

What are the pros and cons of Laravel?

 If you are well versed with the software development industry then the name Laravel would not be a strange one to you. Laravel has a tremendous ecosystem supported by a large community of developers. Because Laravel is one of the most used PHP frameworks, the library of available Laravel applications and packages is substantial. Both official Laravel packages and third-party packages are readily available. However like every other picture Laravel too has two sides. Today we discuss that. We discuss the pros and cons of using Laravel

Pros of using Laravel

Easy to learn: Many web developers agree that Laravel is among the more accessible web frameworks. That’s thanks to the thorough user documentation that is available in the simplest form. Also, the software includes PHP screencasts which are easy to understand.

Using its built in capabilities like Eloquent, the Schema Builder, and Blade templates make mundane tasks quick and easy. Laravel framework shows amazing data model and is expandable to suit your needs, whether it be a small business or a corporate enterprise at scale.

Laravel has a wide range of features.

Laravel framework development describes itself as a progressive framework, meaning that it includes a variety of functionality that users of all levels will find useful. For example, beginners have access to starter kits for modules such as basic authentication features. Many of these tools are discussed in greater detail below.

One of them is Laravel which we discussed earlier. Laravel is known as a framework that has complete features, has functions that facilitate the process of making websites maximally and dynamically. As well as saving costs and time, as well as the most widely used by companies and developers.

Laravel is fast and efficient.

Without a doubt, It may be said that Laravel is a near -perfect framework for web development. Laravel web development is rising because of its genuine qualities- it’s faster, better, highly cost-effective, and can build scalable web applications. You can create beautiful applications using Laravel.

Laravel is highly scalable. With integrated support for fast, distributed cache systems, Laravel applications are capable of addressing millions of requests per month. Laravel also offers a serverless deployment platform, Vapor, which is based on AWS and provides a high degree of scalability.

Cons of using laravel

But all developers know that not all frameworks are perfect; every framework comes with pros and cons. In this article, you will know the above larval pros and cons with detailed information. Before we start into the pros and cons, let’s know about Laravel.

Let’s start with a fact that is rarely taken into account. Many programmers sell their services within the tech stack they are good at. Few of the highly skilled professionals are willing to admit that the programming language they have mastered is troublesome or too complicated. And yet, every programming language and every software solution has its pros and cons. The ideal one does not exist but some win over the others. We are talking about Laravel.

Laravel may be too complex for some users.

Big projects often demand complex features and functionality integration that eventually consumes much time and effort. You can unhesitatingly utilize Laravel for such projects but make sure that you’re using the best development practices so that the project’s quality doesn’t hamper.

Several features of Laravel could be simplified. First, it is heavy documentation that not all programmers can cope with at first. However, the support of Laravel and the online developer community can make the initial stage of working with the framework as painless as possible.

Laravel has some known vulnerabilities.

When it comes to data security, Laravel doesn’t disappoint. To protect your data from common vulnerabilities like SQL injections, cross-site scripting, and cross-site forgery, Laravel has several security features like easy-to-implement authentication and authorization processes and a secure codebase.

Authentication is one of the core areas that Laravel tries to improve security with an out-of-the-box solution available at app/config/auth.php. Laravel provides options for hashing and encrypting passwords, authenticating users, forcing password resets and security minimums, and several other important rules that provide strong access control.

Friday 12 May 2023

What are the pros and cons of Custom Software Development?

 The word custom refers to the phenomenon of having something built specifically to tailor a particular set of needs. A custom software is one which is built specifically to deal with a certain set of problems or perform certain specific functions. Custom software development is extremely popular in the IT industry and is a phenomenon that can quickly get developers in it's chokehold. However just like literally any other phenomenon or process that has existed, the process of custom software development too has its own set of pros and cons. This blog aims to analyse that. 

What are the pros of custom software development? 

Let us analyse some of the pros or the advantages that a user can get with custom software development. 

1. Worth the investment

Getting a software custom developed to perform a certain set of functions can definitely be one of the most financially taxing process a person can undergo. However there are hardly any testimonies out there that warn people against custom software development because they feel it's not a good investment. In fact almost every person who has invested into getting a software custom developed claimed that it is one of the best investment you can do for your business. It ensures great returns and makes the money you invested in it, back in no time.

2. Enhanced security

A software created using a generic code is extremely easy to crack, which puts the firms using them at a higher risk of data theft. A software created using a custom code, offers enhanced security and even during the off occasion of a breach in the server, the person responsible can be caught and persecuted before much damage happens.

3. No overhead costs 

Buying a generic software off the rack requires entrepreneurs to pay heavy licensing fee and patent fee and sometimes the creators of the software may even levy an additional annual fee. All these factors tilt the scales into the favor of a custom software.

Cons of custom software development

Now that we have understand what custom software development is and it's benefits we move onto understanding what are some disadvantages to the same. 

1. Extremely time consuming 

Getting a software custom built is not for those who are short on patience or expect immediate results. It is an extremely time consuming process that takes upto months to get right. 

2. Heavy upfront investment 

Looking at the larger picture, getting a software custom built is definitely cheaper than buying and using an off the rack software but the only issue is that while the payment for the latter prolong over a long period of time, payment for the former needs to be made upfront which can be quite a burden on a client's pocket. 

These were few advantages and disadvantages of custom software development. For more information you can always check out multiple sites available online.

#Custom software development

Wednesday 3 May 2023

Why is React Native the Best for App Building?


React Native combines the greatest features of native development with React, a top-of-the-line JavaScript toolkit for creating user interfaces. You can utilize React Native in your existing Android and iOS projects right now, or you can start from scratch and build a brand new app. React Native is a JavaScript-based framework for developing native mobile apps that allows developers to create cross-platform mobile apps with a single codebase. It is open-source and free to use, with only third-party tools incurring costs.

For cross-platform mobile applications, the React Native frontend framework helps create responsive user interfaces. Its primary duty is to make applications run more quickly and effectively. It basically functions and uses JavaScript as its base or foundation. It also makes use of the same codebase to make it easier to create mobile apps that are compatible with both iOS and Android devices.

React Native works on three threads: UI Thread, Shadow Thread, and JavaScript Thread. The main thread renders the UI after deserialization and completes the mapping from the browser to React Native.

Why should React Native App Development be chosen ?

Let us look at some React Native’s features -

Since react native app development has various unique advantages and plus points for app developers in general, it is mainly famous because of its speed and low app development cost.

React Native has the ability to handle multiple platforms. Because most React Native APIs are cross-platform, a single component can be used on both Android and iOS.

React native framework is optimized with fast loading and a smooth user interface, this in turn helps developers tremendously.

React Native has a feature called dynamic update, which allows its users to update desired UI components in a hassle-free manner without having to reload the entire app page.

React Native has modular architecture which allows developers to easily and flexibly upgrade and update their apps. Furthermore, the app development process is sped up by the reuse of components that function across all online and mobile APIs.

Developers can use the same code for development. Overall, react native app constitutes typically lower development cost and maintenance cost as compared to its competitors. Therefore, both iOS as well as Android projects have the upper hand to use the same React Native code base, which in turn allows it to reuse the code. Since development and maintenance is very important and critical, using React native app development not only saves time but is also way cheaper. React Native is a cross-platform framework that allows developers to create apps for all operating systems using the same codebase, allowing for more efficient code sharing.

The React Native platform consists of a power packed community of users. Most users are active and hence as a result you can be at ease if any doubt or technical glitch pops up. Furthermore, you may find it easier to obtain help or advice anytime, and can also communicate your thoughts whilst improving your technical skills.

If you want to change something, react native app development gives you a feature of easily changing the execution. Changes to the React native codebase are applied to an already running app without the need to restart it. While making simple changes, you don’t have to wait for your code to compile and your program to restart.

Given below are some more benefits of React Native Apps Development -

Saves Both Time and Money- React Native is significantly very ideal for mobile applications. Since it provides a slick, hassle-free, smooth, and very responsive user interface, it has the power to reduce load time significantly. If you use react native, it’s features give a much faster response as compared to other applications. React Native allows developers to reuse and reduce code, but requires fresh code to build a UI. Overall, it is also less expensive to build apps in React Native without sacrificing and degrading the overall quality or functionality.

Elevated Performance- Native apps are very fast and responsive because they are built for a specific operating system and are compiled using the platform’s core programming language and APIs. As a result, the app is much more efficient. The device stores the app which allows the software to leverage the device’s processing speed. React Native increases speed and quality by converting platform-specific markup into pure components that are reusable across different platforms.

Increased Flexibility- The primary benefit of using React Native is that it allows developers to build cross-platform apps. With code reusability, you can use one codebase to deploy on both Android and iOS platforms. In short, React Native provides consistent developer tools, performance, and UI flexibility across platforms.

Native Features & Look- React Native components combine native user interface with JavaScript to create a native-like look and feel across platforms. React Native provides pre-built components for mobile app development, and that too free of charge.

Third party plugins- React Native offers third-party plugins to reduce the need for web view functions and improve app performance.

Easy to learn- React native is very easy to learn. So don’t look any further or any other frameworks if you want iOS app development or Android mobile app development.

Conclusion- React Native is an efficient framework for developers, a profitable technology for businesses, and a satisfactory solution for end-users.

Custom Software Development vs. Off-the-Shelf Solutions

  Choosing the right business software is essential for any business. It can help you achieve your goals, improve functionality, and streaml...