Friday, 4 August 2023

Benefits and Perspectives of Artificial Intelligence in Software Development


The concept of automation was nothing more than a fantasy as close as three decades ago. However the dawn of the new century brought forward an array of opportunities and allowed people from different professions to expand their skill set and resources. A major contributor to this phenomenon has been AI or artificial intelligence.

Artificial intelligence has created quite a dominant presence in various fields such as engineering, content creation etc, but the one field where it has had the most influence has without a doubt been software development and engineering.

The mainstream notion that revolves around the presence of artificial intelligence in the software development industry is that it is a threat to human employment and will soon force software developers and engineers out of work, by a hostile takeover. While a lot of evidence has been presented to support the same argument, to blindly trust this notion and regard artificial intelligence and its influence as an ulterior threat would be extremely foolish. The threat, or if there is one, is extremely minor and yet to be realised, the benefits that developers cultivate from the practical day to day application of artificial intelligence while developing various web applications, software or mobile applications.

Artificial intelligence and it’s assistance to software developers

Increased speed and reduced development time

Starting off with the basics, we have reduced development time and an increased speed of production, an advantage which is not exclusive to the software development industry per se. A common notion associated with machines is that they are faster, relatively more efficient and simply better, which is true also. When it comes to software development, creating lengthy codes for an application becomes a tedious job for a developer who cannot fulfill it unless given sufficient time. Artificial intelligence on the other hand requires a tiny fraction of the time and can present a fully functional error free code within a couple of minutes at best and hours at worst, thus significantly reducing the development time required by engineers to create a complex application.

Enhanced user experience

A common misconception surrounding ai and the software development industry is that the former’s role is limited to development and behind the scenes tasks. When in reality, it is so much more. Artificial intelligence or AI powered chatbots provide users with a platform to communicate with a particular firm or company and express their concerns in an organised manner. Not only is it easier for grieving users who can expect quick responses and follow ups on their complaints but it is also more efficient for firms since they are able to store the data collected by these ai platforms to further improve their product.

Eliminates errors

Human made products and services are bound to have errors or mistakes, even if they are the most minute and insignificant. Machines made on the other hand have been known to be held synonymous with error free, perfect and pristine. The same can definitely be held true. Applications and output created using artificial intelligence are bound to be error free. This is obviously beneficial for developers and consumers alike because it kills two birds with one stone. Not only does it improve customer experience and provide them with pristine service quality but it also helps firms and developers retain clients.

These were the primary values that artificial intelligence adds to the software development industry. However to mistake these to be the only positive contributions of ai would be Naive and foolish.

Answering questions in your mind

Q1. Is it true that artificial intelligence has the power to replace human developers?

While artificial intelligence is known to constantly evolve and learn from its mistakes to improve, to think that it poses a threat of eliminating human participation in any industry with little to no repercussions would be foolish and simply far-fetched.

Q2. Is there much of a difference between applications developed by humans and those developed using Artificial intelligence?

Even the work of something as complex as artificial intelligence is overseen by an experienced developer to ensure that the software developed has elements indicating its holistic development. To discriminate between products developed by either of the two would not only be unfair but also nothing more than a missed opportunity for consumers and clients.

Q3. Why can’t we get artificial intelligence to build an application for us, why does one need to pay a developer to do the same?

Artificial intelligence is a concept which hasn’t been fully understood. It is believed that ai in today’s times is the answer to any and every question, and while it is mostly true most consumers forget that there is another side to the coin, which is knowing what questions to ask. Artificial intelligence is trained to take your word as is. If you are looking to get your hands on a quality output that incorporates every element you desire in your application you need to contact an experienced developer or a firm like sterling technolabs who ensure that the output produced is a balanced blend of human skills and artificial development.

Wrapping up

You can hate artificial intelligence or you can be all for it, but one thing that no one can deny is the fact that it is here to stay. The influence and chokehold that ai has on certain industries is only increasing. It is in times like these, it becomes important for professionals especially like software developers to understand how they can best utilise this technology in the favor of themselves and their clients.

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