Wednesday, 9 August 2023

Why Laravel is the Most Popular PHP Framework in 2023?


It’s the year 2023, technology is evolving at a rate so rapid that before a person can even attempt to fully absorb what current trends are. In this time and age websites and applications form the foundation of modern technology. Hence in these times, it is important for entrepreneurs to generate an online presence that aligns with their business policies and also helps them reach their target audience more effectively.

How can businesses generate an online presence?

Entrepreneurs become successful only when they grab every available opportunity to put their brand out in the open. When it comes to creating an online presence, the most popular and rational way is through an app Or a website. Creating an app is an extremely tedious process, not to mention expensive, since they require all round care and maintenance.

A website is a more accessible and a relatively cheaper way for entrepreneurs to make sure that their business is not limited to a brick and mortar store only. This is why website development is definitely more popular than application development.

Ways your business Can create a website?

First things first, entrepreneurs need to understand that they cannot simply create a website whenever and wherever they please. The skill set of a professional website application developer is required, not to mention time and patience and the correct resources to execute the same.

It is very important that a business owner takes out the time to get clarity on the expectations they have from their business and then explain the same in a clear manner to a developer they feel best suited to work with. The developer may then choose a programming language they feel works the best and use it to develop a product.

The process of Choosing a programming language

Just like human languages are near infinite, so are programming languages. Developers today are spoilt for choice with multiple options in the market, each offering unique features and skill sets. One such programming language is laravel.

Laravel and everything you need to know about it

A free open source PHP framework, which is laravel was launched back in the year 2011. However it was not until the year 2013 that this network gained recognition and popularity. Over the years PHP has been on the receiving end of quite a substantial amount of criticism as a result many developers grew a certain bias towards it. However it was back in the second half of the decade that developers actually took out the time needed to fully comprehend the benefits that PHP provides.

What makes PHP popular?

When we talk about the reasons behind the popularity of PHP or rather the popularity of Laravel, quite a few choices come to mind. The top ones being

  • Mvc support and a object oriented approach
  • Artisan console
  • Multiple file system
  • Templating engine

If you want to know a detailed meaning of each, keep reading

Benefits of using PHP (Laravel)

  1. Offers MVC support and a object oriented approach

Ask any developer what they feel are the benefits of using Laravel development services and this would be the first reason that pops into their minds. Laravel follows a model view and an architectural pattern which is controller based which allows developers to create expressive and beautiful designs.

2. Artisan console

This PHP has its own unique command line interface which is known as artisan. This artisan is responsible for publishing, packaging assets, managing data input and other versatile features. With PHP, developers are entirely in control of the said artisan and allow them to extend its functionality and capabilities by introducing custom commands.

3. Multiple file system

If you’re told that PHP offers a great storage system, you might wonder how something so basic made its way on the list? The answer is simple, while chasing the latest trends, developers often tend to forget the very foundation of a buildup. With PHP, developers get access to built-in support for cloud storage systems and local storage. Storage options like amazon s3, cloud storage and rack space are all supported. What is even better is the fact that developers can switch between these storage spaces with ease.

4.Templating engine

Laravel development services offer developers a built in templating service which is also known as blade template engine. This service combines one or more than one template with a data model in order to produce visually pleasing and aesthetic views. Not only this but blade also provides developers with a set of their very own control structure internally mapped to their PHP counterparts.

Concluding thoughts

PHP started off to a slow start, and even today it struggles to gain the popularity it deserves. However this fact is in no way a testament to the competency of laravel as a programming language but rather a reflection of developer’s inability to understand this framework. This is why recently the popularity of laravel has begun to grow and rise steadily.

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